Quarantine Goal: Tips for clearing out your Wardrobe


The unique opportunity this pandemic has granted us is an abundance of time at home to clear out, tidy up and reset on many fronts…

This time stuck at home during a nationwide lockdown is a rare and oddly refreshing bonus we all have been gifted and it’s important to see it as such.  If there is one time to stay positive, reach inward to gather inner strength, and get our corners in order, it’s now.


None of us know the realities of what lies ahead and even while sitting here writing this, the last thing that seems a priority right now is to talk about ‘fashion’.  However, it’s clear that one thing we will all be mindful and conscious of in the future is where we spend our money, as well as our own personal impact on the environment and how we can extend the use of what we own already.

So, one way we can help is a few tips on how to get your wardrobe space in order. With the winter months showing its chilly hand here in Queenstown recently, we will all be thinking ahead to our warm and snuggly bits. What a perfect opportunity to pack away our summer gears and bring out the warm kit, all while simultaneously reviewing the status of all of our clothes.


So, where to start? First things first 

Clean the mirror and get some favourite tunes on.  Make this as fun as possible – you might as well dance your way through!


As you go through your clothing, give them a good inspection, even try them on if it’s been a while, then start to separate all pieces into 3 distinct piles:

1 – Keepers – Essential items that you will 100% wear in the future.
2 – Changers – items that need replacing because you have grown out of them, OR they need repairing / tweaking. (We, at Nemo Workroom, can help with this!)
3 – Circulate – Pull out the items that you didn’t wear all season, or things that you no longer like. These are to be donated or taken to second hand shops, when we are again able.


Now, begin with:
The End of season Wrap-up

Remove all of the clothing from your wardrobe / drawers that you won’t wear into the next season. Carefully begin reviewing each item and placing it in the appropriate pile — KeepersChangers or Circulate.

If there is anything that needs cleaning, be sure to do this before adding to a pile.  Also, address what needs to be repaired or replaced- these should be set aside into the changers pile and won’t be packed away immediately.

Once the piles are complete, begin preparing the Keepers to be packed away until after winter.


Packing tips:

1. Begin by folding likes with likes. i.e. dresses and skirts together, shirts and tops together, shorts and bottoms, etc.


2. A great tip is to fold your clothes by using the rolling technique, which keeps your clothes from getting creased while in storage, and also helps to maximize space.

3. Then, pack away your folded items into plastic bins, old suitcases or boxes. Best to line your box with cloth or tissue paper to protect your clothes.

4. And when packing away your pieces, be sure to keep shoes, hats, bags etc separate from clothing.

5. I also like to use some tissue layers in between some of the items and utilise t-shirts and smaller items to stuff hats, bags, etc to keep in good shape.  The time spent on the packing will pay dividends down the track in keeping the textiles in good condition.


6. If you’re like me and have a really terrible memory for what was put in that box 6 months ago, it always feels a little bit like Christmas when the new season rolls over and unpacking begins!  But, if you’d like to keep a better handle on what you’ve packed away, either photograph or list out the items on a piece of paper and keep it on the top of the box.

7. It’s also very useful to note any key items that are being ‘changed’ / moved on.  Make a note on your phone so as to keep an eye out for these in sales or when the new season comes about.


Now that your last season is packed away, time to begin…The next season Set-Up

Take all of this season’s clothing out of your closet/storage area. Go through each piece to check on its condition and status. Does it need any attention? Are you going to wear it? Did you wear it last season?

And now we continue with the three piles again- Keepers, Changers and Circulate.


-The Keepers are hung in the wardrobe or folded and stored in drawers, all ready for the cold months ahead.
-The Changers are ready for the repairs, maintenance or overhaul that we can help you with once we all get back to normal.
-The Circulate pile will sit ready for when you can get to the second hand shops or we can gather again for the swap and sell meet-ups.

Now, if you’re the sentimental type and have a few items that you simply cannot part with despite not using them often, think about creating an archival box to keep these few items safe.  I personally have some items that I can’t part with for various reasons (I’m definitely not a Kondo girl!), so these are archived away & checked on annually. And, sometimes a piece comes out to have a whirl which is always quite fun when someone comments on a coat or something that’s been hauled around for the last 30 years!


 Sorting your Seasonal Besties 


We are so lucky to have four distinct seasons here in the Southern Lakes, but what of the seasonal wardrobe pieces that cross over from one season to the next? These are the essential items that tend to wear out the fastest and need replacing more often. They’re the spring and autumn layers that are essential in those cross over months, and also the active wear items that are used all year round, so generally they will require a seasonal overview to see if mending is due.

So, when you’re doing your wardrobe swap-over, have a good look at these seasonal stalwarts and take note of any weakening in materials and place any affected pieces into that ‘Changers’ pile.


Once you’ve completed your audit…

…set aside that Circulate pile and don’t forget to come back to it in a month’s time.


Maybe encourage your friends to do the same with their closets, then organise a clothes swap once the restrictions lift. Or, if you have some pieces that still hold value, remember to head down to your local recycled boutique in a month (we LOVE the Walk In Wardrobe in downtown Queenstown), where you could walk away with a few extra $$ to spend on your Changers pile!

As for the Changers — you’ve got plenty of time to learn how to sew from home, OR simply hold onto it and come to see us in The Nemo Workroom when this is all over, and we’ll get your pieces mended to perfection once again.

Now more than ever is the time to keep our clothing in good order and to be feeling proud of who we are in the clothes we are in. It’s becoming clearer each day that our future is uncertain, and so too is the future of the fashion industry as we know it. The reasons to keep our wardrobe working longer and shopping in our own closets over buying new are mounting higher by the day. It’s becoming our duty to love that which we already have and keep our hard earned dollars used in the best way possible.

This tiny little virus has hugely impacted us all; crossing all political, financial, religious and physical borders, and has levelled humanity to one playing field, our planet, the one ship we are all on.  Let us not forget that this unique opportunity is a gift, even if it may not feel like one yet.

Go well people, stay safe and keep productive. We will be there waiting for your piles of Changers when we are back open.


Ka Kite,
Trudy and the Nemo team
